Foto's Chrissie Curry vrouwenliefde Elle Bandita

Elle bandita
Elle bandita (Photo credit: Jos van Zetten)
     Chrissie Curry is nu van de vrouwenliefde (Elle Bandita). Chrissie Curry lijkt van de mannen overgestapt te zijn naar de vrouwen.
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Olympian Jennie Finch Prepares to Welcome Third Child

English: Jennie Finch pitching against China i...
English: Jennie Finch pitching against China in Manassas City (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Olympic softball champion and recently-retired player Jennie Finch is expecting her third child. The athlete announced in her People that she and her husband Casey Daigle are expecting yet again. The couple have two sons, Ace Shane, 6, and Diesel Dean, 13 months.

How is preparing for a third child different than one or two?

Despite what you may be told, parenting never gets easier. Here are some ways preparing for a third child is different than for your first or second:

1. You know what to expect: You and your partner have been there twice already, and knowing how you need to prepare is one way preparing is different. You have the experience in pregnancy, giving birth and raising a child, meaning you now know what has worked, and what hasn’t, in the past.

2. You have help: While this may not always make things easier, as more hands can sometimes lead to more problems, at the very least you do have two children there to keep you, your beau and your new baby company.

3. You know you’re prepared: The first time around was likely nerve-wracking for you and your sweetheart. The second time might have been, too. But with your third child, you’re aware of everything that needs to be done and everything that will be done. It’s time to calm down and welcome a new child into the world.

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Jennie Finch superwises SAMMY Award 2012

English: Jennie Finch pitching against China i...
English: Jennie Finch pitching against China in Manassas City (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
SAMMY 2012 winners were chosen based on five criteria: academic performance, athletic excellence, leadership, community service, and the milk experience essay. Preliminary judging was conducted by a qualified group of educators and coaches who selected the 75 semi-finalists, three from each of the 25 Milk Prize Regions. Finally, a panel of celebrity judges including Chauncey Billups, Jennie Finch, Tony Hawk, Andy Roddick, and Dara Torres selected the twenty-five national winners.

Foto Josina " DIANA "Huisman K3

Rixt with Flemish girl band K3
Rixt with Flemish girl band K3 (Photo credit: Sint Smeding)
Josina (Josje) Huisman (Heusden, 16 februari 1986) is een Nederlandse zangeres, danseres, presentatrice en (musical)actrice. Ze is sinds 2009 de blonde zangeres van de Vlaamse meidengroep K3. K3 met Josje scoort beter dan K3 met Kathleen in de bioscoop! In nog geen twee weken tijd gingen in de Nederlandse en Vlaamse bioscopen al meer dan 188.000 mensen naar K3 Bengeltjes kijken.

Volgend jaar viert K3 het vijftienjarig bestaan en dat jaar begint goed want de vierde bioscoopfilm ‘K3 Bengeltjes’ is deze kerstvakantie de best scorende jeugdfilm. Beter zelfs dan de eerste drie films met Kathleen Aerts, want in nog geen twee weken tijd gingen in de Nederlandse en Vlaamse bioscopen al meer dan 188.000 mensen naar K3 Bengeltjes kijken.

Ook in de muzikale hitparade blijft K3 trouwens scoren. Hun album Engeltjes doet het goed in de hitparades in Nederland en Belgie.

Op dit moment genieten Karen, Kristel en Josje van een welverdiende vakantie, maar begin maart trekken ze weer door Vlaanderen en Nederland met een gloednieuwe show. Ook die is nu al een succes, met meer dan 55.000 verkochte kaarten.


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5 children die in wreck, vehicle plunges into lake

there's my car...drowning
there's my car...drowning (Photo credit: coolguy_teju)

Five young siblings and one adult died early Saturday when a sport utility vehicle went off an eastern Mississippi road and plunged into a rain-swollen creek, authorities said.

Neshoba County Sheriff Tommy Waddell said the victims appear to have drowned after a Dodge Durango left a county road 20 miles southeast of Philadelphia just after midnight Saturday.

"It's always sad to hear of the death of a tribal member, but today our tribe experienced a great tragedy with the loss of six beautiful Choctaw souls. I cannot begin to imagine what the friends, relatives and loved ones are feeling," Tribal Chief Phyliss J. Anderson said in a statement. "There are no words that can express our sincere condolences to such a horrific accident. I join many of you in the outpouring display of love and support shown to the families during this difficult time. Our thoughts and prayers are with them."
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Comet coming in 2013

Comet Approaching In 2013 Could Outshine The Full Moon. Comet ISON will pass 1.2 million miles from the center of the sun on November 28, 2013 according to NASA’s Near Earth Object Program at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. When the object passes by Earth’s night sky it could be brighter than the moon. Stargazers next fall may find the moon is not the brightest object in the night sky. As the newly discovered Comet ISON passes close to the sun between October and December next year, it indeed might become bright enough to outshine the moon. 2013 will be the Year of the Comet. If they live up to their potential, Comet PanSTARRS and Comet ISON will be the real headline grabbers in 2013, but there are plenty of bright planets and showers of shooting stars to keep us looking up all year long. A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to gaze upon the stars will be had next year by thousands of backyard astronomers who wish to catch a glimpse of the comet of the century. Comet Ison has yet to earn its spotlight in the media, but soon enough it will be the trending topic among all the search engines.
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Torii Hunter 'uncomfortable' with gay teammate

Hunter’s quotes, which were posted Saturday on the Times’ website, came nearly three years after he told USA Today he believed Latino players of African decent were “imposters” when it came to the dwindling numbers of black players in baseball. He drew plenty of criticism for those comments, which he later defended while insisting he was not a racist.

“For me, as a Christian … I will be uncomfortable because in all my teachings and all my learning, biblically, it's not right,” Hunter told the Times. “It will be difficult and uncomfortable.”

There is no doubt that Hunter isn’t alone in his beliefs, and it’s entirely possible he has already shared a clubhouse with a gay teammate or coach and never known it.

That a player feels the way Hunter does isn’t surprising, but it is surprising that Hunter would be the one to express those beliefs. It’s not that they're wrong; they are his and he is entitled to them.

That such a social and popular player would speak out doesn’t help a gay player feel he can come out to teammates and still be accepted. Given Hunter's status in the game, a might have believed he could have looked to Hunter for support.

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Adam Lanza's Body Claimed

Adam Lanza's body was claimed several days ago by someone who wanted to remain anonymous, State Medical Examiner Wayne H. Carver II said Sunday.

Lanza's burial site also is being kept secret.

Lanza, 20, killed himself inside a classroom at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown on Dec. 14 after a shooting rampage that left 26 people dead in the school, including 20 children. Lanza earlier killed his mother, Nancy, at their house.
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