Torii Hunter 'uncomfortable' with gay teammate
Hunter’s quotes, which were posted Saturday on the Times’ website, came nearly three years after he told USA Today he believed Latino players of African decent were “imposters” when it came to the dwindling numbers of black players in baseball. He drew plenty of criticism for those comments, which he later defended while insisting he was not a racist.
“For me, as a Christian … I will be uncomfortable because in all my teachings and all my learning, biblically, it's not right,” Hunter told the Times. “It will be difficult and uncomfortable.”
There is no doubt that Hunter isn’t alone in his beliefs, and it’s entirely possible he has already shared a clubhouse with a gay teammate or coach and never known it.
That a player feels the way Hunter does isn’t surprising, but it is surprising that Hunter would be the one to express those beliefs. It’s not that they're wrong; they are his and he is entitled to them.
That such a social and popular player would speak out doesn’t help a gay player feel he can come out to teammates and still be accepted. Given Hunter's status in the game, a might have believed he could have looked to Hunter for support.